Full publication list also available from
- Lyons SA, and McClelland GB. (2022) Thermogenesis is supported by high rates of circulatory fatty acid and triglyceride delivery in highland deer mice. J Exp Biol. May 13:jeb.244080. doi: 10.1242/jeb.244080. Inside JEB feature
- Hayward, L, Robertson, C.E., , and McClelland, G.B. (2022) Phenotypic plasticity to chronic cold exposure in two species of Peromyscus from different environments. J. Comp. Physiol. B. 192, pages335–348. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00360-021-01423-4
- Schippers, M.-P., Ramirez, O., Arana, M., and McClelland, G.B. (2021) Increased reliance on carbohydrates for aerobic exercise in highland Andean leaf-eared mice, but not in highland Lima leaf-eared mice. Metabolites, 11: 750. Special Issue "Metabolic Strategies in Hypoxia" https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo11110750
- Coulson, S.Z.†, Robertson, C.E.†, Mahalingam, S., and McClelland, G.B. (2021) Plasticity of non-shivering thermogenesis and brown adipose tissue in high-altitude deer mice. J. Exp. Biol., 224, jeb242279. doi:10.1242/jeb.242279. †Co-first authors
- Lyons, SA, Tate, K.B., Welch, K.C. Jr., and McClelland, G.B. (2021) Lipid oxidation during thermogenesis in high altitude deer mice. Am. J. Physiol. 320(5): R735-R746. DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00266.2020
- Robertson, C.E. and McClelland, G.B. (2021) Evolved changes in maternal care in high-altitude native deer mice. J. Exp. Biol., 224(7): jeb235218. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.235218
- Robertson, C.E. and McClelland, G.B. (2021). Ancestral and developmental cold alter brown adipose tissue function and adult thermal acclimation in Peromyscus. J. Comp. Physiol. B., 191:589–601, DOI: 10.1007/s00360-021-01355-z
- Blewett, T.A., Leonard, E.M., Glover, C.N., McClelland, G.B., Wood, C.M., McGeer, J.C., Santore, R.C., Smith, S.D. (2021). The effect of marine dissolved organic carbon on nickel accumulation in early life-stages of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Comp. Physiol. Biochem. C., 250:109150.
- Mahalingam, S., Cheviron, Z.A., Storz, J.F., McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2020). Chronic cold exposure induces mitochondrial plasticity in deer mice native to high altitudes. J. Physiol. 598(23): 5411-5426. [Journal cover]
- Tate, K.B., Wearing, O.H., Ivy, C.M., Cheviron, Z.A., Storz, J.F., McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2020). Coordinated changes across the O2 cascade underlie adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 287: 20192750.
- Velotta, J.P., Robertson, C.E., Schweitzer, R.M, McClelland, G.B., and Cheviron, Z.A. (2020). Adaptive shifts in gene regulation underlie a developmental delay in thermogenesis in high-altitude deer mice. Mol. Biol. Evol. 37(8): 2309–2321
- Ivy, C.M., Greaves, M.A., Sangster, E.D., Robertson, C.E., Natarajan, C., Storz, J.F., McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2020). Ontogenesis of evolved changes in respiratory physiology in deer mice native to high altitude. J. Exp. Biol. 223, jeb219360
- Kulesza, A., Leonard, E.M., and McClelland, G.B. (2020) Influence of 96h sub-lethal copper exposure on aerobic scope and recovery from exhaustive exercise in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Aquatic Toxicology. 218:105373
- Robertson, C.E. and McClelland, G.B. (2019). Developmental delay in shivering limits thermogenic capacity in juvenile high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). J. Exp. Biol. 222, jeb210963.
- Robertson, C.E., Tattersall, G.J., and McClelland, G.B. (2019). Development of homeothermic endothermy is delayed in high altitude native deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Proc. R. Soc. B. 286: 20190841.
- Storz, J.F., Cheviron, Z.A., McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2019). Evolution of physiological performance capacities and environmental adaptation: insights from high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). J. Mammal. 100(3):910-922. [invited review for the Journal’s 100th anniversary]
- McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2019) Evolved mechanisms of aerobic performance and hypoxia resistance in high-altitude natives. Ann. Rev. Physiol. 81:561–583.
- Borowiec, B.G., McClelland, G.B., Rees, B.B., and Scott, G.R. (2018) Distinct metabolic adjustments arise from acclimation to constant hypoxia and intermittent hypoxia in estuarine killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). J. Exp. Biol. 221
- Buck, L.T., Burness, G., Campbell, K, Darveau, C.-A., Driedzic, W., Guderley, H., McClelland, G.B., Moon, T.W., Moyes, C.D., and Schulte, P.M. (2018) 50 Years of comparative biochemistry: The legacy of Peter Hochachka, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. 224:1-11.
- Tate, K.B., Ivy, C.M., Velotta, J.P., Storz, J.F., Cheviron, Z.A., McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2017) Circulatory mechanisms underlying adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice. J. Exp. Biol. 220(20): 3616-3620
- McClelland, G.B., Lyons, S.A., and Robertson, C.E. (2017). Fuel use in mammals: conserved patterns and evolved strategies for aerobic locomotion and thermogenesis. Integr. Comp. Biol. 57(2):231-239.
- Salman, S., Vollmer, C., McClelland, G.B., and Nurse, C.A. (2017) Characterization of ectonucleotidase expression in the rat carotid body: Regulation by chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Physiol. 313(3):C274-C284.
- Storz, J.F. and McClelland, G.B. (2017) Rewiring metabolism under oxygen deprivation. Science. 356 (6335), 248-249
- Mahalingam, S., McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2017) Evolved changes in the intracellular distribution and physiology of muscle mitochondria in high-altitude native deer mice. J. Physiol. 595(14): 4785–4801.
- Lau, D., Mahalingam, S., Connaty, A.D., Wall, N., Cheviron, Z.A., Storz, J.F., Scott, G.R., and McClelland, G.B. (2017) Acclimation to hypoxia increases carbohydrate use during exercise in high-altitude deer mice. Am. J. Physiol, Am. J. Physiol. 312: R400–R411.
- Blewett, T. Ransberry, V.E., McClelland, G.B., and Wood, C.M. (2016) Investigating the mechanisms of Ni uptake and sub-lethal toxicity in the Atlantic killifish Fundulus heteroclitus in relation to salinity. Environmental Pollution. 211:370-381.
- Ransberry V.E., Blewett, T.A., and McClelland, G.B. (2016) The Oxidative Stress Response in Freshwater-Acclimated Killifish, (Fundulus heteroclitus) to Acute Copper and Hypoxia Exposure. Comp Biochem Physiol C 179:11-18
- Ransberry, V.E., Morash, A.J., Blewett, T., Wood, C.M., and McClelland, G.B (2015) Oxidative stress and metabolic responses to copper in freshwater- and seawater-acclimated Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Aquatic Toxicology 161: 242–252.
- Henry, M., Birceanu, O., Clifford, A., McClelland, G.B., Yang, Y., and Wilkie, M.P. (2015) Life-stage dependent responses to the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), provide insight into glucose homeostasis and metabolism in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 169:35-45.
- Lui, M.A., Mahalingam, S., Patel, P., Connaty, A.D., Ivy, C.M., Cheviron, Z.A., Storz, J.F., McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R.(2015) High-altitude ancestry and hypoxia acclimation have distinct effects on exercise capacity and muscle phenotype in deer mice. Am. J. Physiol. 308:R779-R791.
- Morash, A.J., Vanderveken, M. and McClelland G.B. (2014) Muscle metabolic remodelling in response to endurance exercise and fasting in salmonids. Front. Physiol. 5:452.
- Schippers, M.P., Le Moine, C.M.R., and McClelland G.B. (2014) Patterns of fuel use during locomotion in mammals: the importance of aerobic scope. J. Exp. Biol. 217: 3193-3196.
- Cheviron, Z.A., Connaty A.D., McClelland G.B., and Storz J.F. (2014) Functional genomics of adaptation to hypoxic cold-stress in high-altitude deer mice: transcriptomic plasticity and thermogenic performance. Evolution 68 (1): 48-62.
- Craig, P.M., Fitzpatrick, J.L., Walsh, P.J., Wood, C.M., and McClelland, G.B. (2014) Coping with hypoxia: How the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus) survives the intertidal zone. Environ Biol Fish. . 97:163-172.
- Birceanu, O., Sorensen, L., Henry, M., McClelland, G.B., Yang, Y.S., and Wilkie, M.P. (2014). The effects of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on fuel stores and ion balance in a non-target fish, the Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comp Biochem Physiol - C. 160:30-41.
- Morash, A.J., Le Moine, C.M.R., Yu, W., Hill, J. A., Patterson, D.A., Farrell, A.P., and McClelland, G.B. (2013) Genomic and metabolic preparation in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) for spawning migration. Physiol Biochem. Zool. 86(6):750-760.
- McClelland, G.B., and Scott, G.R. (2013) Muscle Plasticity. In: Evans, DH, Claiborne, J.B., and Currie, S (eds.). The Physiology of Fishes, 4th ed. CRC press, Baton Raton, Fl.
- Schippers, M.-P., Ramirez, O., Arana, M., Bernal, P.P., and McClelland, G.B. (2012) Increase in carbohydrate utilization in high-altitude Andean mice. Current Biology. 22(24):2350-2354.
- Templeman, N.M., Schultz, H., Garland, T., and McClelland, G.B. (2012) Do mice selectively bred for high locomotor activity have a greater reliance on lipids to power submaximal aerobic exercise? Am. J. Physiol. 303:R101-R111.
- Cheviron, Z.A., Bachman, G.C., Connaty, A.D., McClelland, G.B., Storz, J.F. (2012) Regulatory changes contribute to the adaptive enhancement of thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA., 109(22):8635-40.
- McClelland, G.B. (2012) Muscle Remodeling and the Exercise Physiology of Fish. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev. 40(3):165-173.
- Morash, A.J., and McClelland, G.B. (2011) Regulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) I during fasting in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) promotes increased mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 84(6):625-33.
- Le Moine, C.M.R., Morash, A.J., and McClelland, G.B. (2011). Changes in HIF-1alpha protein, pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphorylation and activity with exercise in acute and chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Physiol. 301:R1098-R1104.
- McClelland, G.B. (2010). Cellular Respiration. In: Farrell A.P., (ed.), Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, volume 2, pp. 951-958. San Diego: Academic Press.
- Birceanu, O., McClelland, G.B., Yang, Y.S., Brown, J.C.L. and Wilkie, M.P. (2010). The Lampricide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) Uncouples Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation in Both Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and TFM-Tolerant Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comp Biochem Physiol -C (in Press)
- Templeman, N.M., Beaudry, J.L., Le Moine, C.M.R., and McClelland, G.B. (2010) Chronic hypoxia- and cold-induced changes in cardiac enzyme and gene expression in CD-1 mice. Biochim Biophys Acta 1800(12):1248-55
- Beaudry, J.L., and McClelland, G.B. (2010) Thermogenic responses in CD-1 mice after combined chronic hypoxia and cold acclimation. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. 157:301-309.
- Morash, A.J., Le Moine, C.M.R., and McClelland, G.B. (2010) Genome duplication events have lead to a diversification in the CPT I gene family in fish. Am. J. Physiol. 299: R579 - R589.
- Craig, P.M., Wood, C.M., and McClelland, G.B. (2010) Water Chemistry alters gene expression and physiological endpoints of chronic waterborne copper exposure in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Environ. Sci. Tech. 44: 2156-2162
- Le Moine, C.M.R., Craig, P.M., Dhekney, K., Kim, J.J., and McClelland, G.B. (2010) Temporal and spatial patterns of gene expression in skeletal muscles in response to swim training in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). J. Comp. Physiol. B. 180(1):151-60.
- Schippers, M.-P., Dukas, R., and McClelland, G.B. (2010) Lifetime changes in flight metabolic rate and muscle biochemistry of honeybees, Apis mellifera. J. Comp. Physiol. B. 180(1):45-55. [Abstract]|
- Wood, C.M., Walsh, P.J., Kajimura, M., McClelland, G.B., and Chew, S.F. (2010) The influence of feeding and fasting on plasma metabolites in the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias). Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 155(4):435-44.
- Craig, P.M., Hogstrand, C., Wood, C.M., and McClelland, G.B. (2009) Genetic endpoints of chronic waterborne copper exposure in a genomic model organism, the tropical fish, Danio rerio. Physiol. Gen. 40(1):23-33.
- Birceanu, O., McClelland, G.B. , Yang, Y.S. and Wilkie, M.P. (2009) A Failure of ATP Supply to Match ATP Demand: The Mechanism of Toxicity of the Lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), Used to Control Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Populations in the Great Lakes. Aquatic Toxicology 94:265-274.
- Brown, J.C.L., McClelland, G.B., Faure, P.A., Klaiman, J.M., and Staples, J.F. (2009) Examining the mechanisms responsible for lower ROS release rates in liver mitochondria from the long-lived house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) compared to the short-lived mouse (Mus musculus). Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 130(8):467-476. [Abstract]|
- Fitzpatrick, J.L., Craig, P.M., Bucking, C., Balshine, S., Wood, C.M., McClelland, G.B. (2009) Sperm performance under hypoxic conditions in an intertidal fish (Porychthys notatus). Can. J. Zool. 87:464-469. [Abstract]|
- Craig, P.M., Galus, M., Wood, C.M., and McClelland, G.B. (2009) Dietary iron alters waterborne-copper induced gene expression in softwater acclimated zebrafish (Danio rerio). Am. J. Physiol.296:R362-R373. [Abstract]|
- Morash, A.J., Bureau, D. and McClelland, G.B. (2009) Dietary effects on the regulation of CPT I in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. 152:85-93. [Abstract]|
- Staples, J.F., Kajimura, M., Wood, C.M., Ip, Y.K., and McClelland, G.B. (2008) Enzymatic and mitochondrial responses to 5 months of aerial exposure in the slender lungfish (Protopterus dolloi). J. Fish Biol.73:608-622. [Abstract]|
- Ask, K., Labiris, R., Farkas, L., Moeller, A., Froese, A, Farncombe, T., McClelland, G., Inman, M., Gauldie J., Kolb, M. (2008) Comparison between conventional and "clinical" assessment of experimental lung fibrosis. J. Transl. Med. 6(1):16. [Abstract]|
- Morash, A.J., Kajimura, M., and McClelland, G.B. (2008) Intertissue regulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPTI): Mitochondrial membrane properties and gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhychus mykiss). BBA-Biomembranes 1778:1382-1389. [Abstract]|
- Craig, P.M., Wood, C.M., and McClelland, G.B. (2007) Oxidative stress response and gene expression with acute copper exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Am. J. Physiol. 293:R1882-R1892 [Abstract]|
- Craig, P.M., Wood, C.M., and McClelland, G.B. (2007) Gill membrane remodeling with softwater acclimation in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Physiol. Genomics 30:53-60. [Abstract]|
- Tkatcheva, V., Franklin, N.M., McClelland, G.B., Smith, R.W., Holopainen, I.J., and Wood, C.M. (2007) Physiological and biochemical effects of lithium in rainbow trout. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 53: 632-638. [Abstract]|
- McClelland,
G.B., Craig, P.M., Dhekney, K., and DiPardo, S. (2006) Temperature- and exercise-induced gene expression and metabolic enzyme changes in skeletal muscle of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) J.Physiol. 577(2):739-751 [Abstract]|
- Schippers, M.-P., Dukas, R., Smith, R.W., Wang, J., Smolen, K and McClelland, G.B. (2006) Lifetime performance in foraging honey bees: behaviour and physiology J. Exp. Biol. 209: 3828-3836 [Abstract]|
- LeMoine, CMR, McClelland, GB, Lyons, CN, Mathieu-Costello, O, and Moyes, CD. (2006) Control of mitochondrial gene expression in the aging rat myocardium., Biochem. Cell Biol./Biochim. biol. cell. 84(2): 191-198 [Abstract]|
- McClelland,
G.B., Dalziel, A., Fragoso, N., and Moyes, C.D. (2005) Muscle remodeling in relation to blood supply: implications for seasonal changes
in mitochondrial enzymes (2005) J. exp. Biol. 208:515-522 [Abstract]|
- McClelland, G.B. Fat to the fire: the regulation of lipid oxidation with exercise and environmental stress. (2004) Comp. Biochem. Physiol.139(3):443-460 [Abstract]|
- Butz,
C.E., McClelland, G.B., and Brooks, G.A. (2004) MCT1 confirmed in rat striated muscle mitochondria. J. Appl. Physiol.97: 1059-1066
- McClelland,
G.B., Michaud, D., Kraft, C., Russell, J.C., Mueller, C.R.,
and Moyes, C.D. (2004) Leptin and the Control of Respiratory
Gene Expression In Muscle. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 1688:86-93 [Abstract] |
- McClelland, G.B., Khanna, S., Butz, C.E., Gonzalez,
G. and Brooks, G.A. (2003) Peroxisomal membrane monocarboxylate
transporters (MCT): Evidence for a redox shuttle system? Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 304:130-135 [Abstract]|
- McClelland,
G.B., and Brooks, G.A. (2002) Changes in MCT 1, MCT 4 and
LDH expression are tissue specific in rats after long-term
hypobaric hypoxia. J. Appl. Physiol. 92:1573-1584 [Abstract]|
- McClelland, G.B., Hochachka, P.W., Reidy,
S.P., and Weber, J.-M. (2001) High-altitude acclimation
increases the triacylglycerol / fatty acid cycle at rest
and during exercise. Am. J. Physiol. 281:E537-E544. [Abstract]|
- Burness, G.P., McClelland, G.B., Wardrop,
S.L. and Hochachka, P.W. (2000) Effect of brood size manipulation
on offspring physiology: An experiment with passerine birds.
J. exp. Biol. 203:3513-3520. [Abstract] |
- McClelland, G.B., Hochachka, P.W., and
Weber, J.-M. (1999). Effects
of high-altitude acclimation on NEFA turnover and lipid
utilization during exercise in rats. Am. J. Physiol.
277:E1095-E1102. [Abstract] |
- McClelland, G.B., Hochachka, P.W., and
Weber, J.-M. (1998). Carbohydrate
utilization during exercise after high-altitude acclimation:
A new perspective. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 95(17):
10288:10293. [Abstract] |
- Hochachka, P.W., McClelland, G.B., Burness,
G.P., Staples, J.F., and Suarez, R.K. (1998). Integrating
metabolic pathway fluxes and gene-to-enzyme expression rates.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 120B(1): 17-27. [Abstract] |
- Hochachka, P.W. and McClelland, G.B. (1997) Cellular metabolic homeostasis during large scale changes in ATP
turnover rates in muscle. J. exp. Biol. 200: 381-386.
- Weber. J.-M., Brichon, G., Roberts, T.,
McClelland, G., Saucedo, C., Weibel, E.R., and Taylor, C.R.
(1996).Design of the oxygen
and substrate pathways IV. Partitioning energy provision
from fatty acids. J. exp. Biol. 199: 1667-1674.
- McClelland, G., Zwingelstein, G., Weber,
J.-M., and Brichon, G. (1995). Tissue and plasma lipids
of two Mediterranean fishes, the Sea Bream (Chrysophyrys
auratus) and the Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax).
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52(1):161 170. [Abstract]|
- McClelland, G., Zwingelstein, G., Taylor, C.R., and Weber, J.-M. (1995). Effect of exercise on the
plasma NEFA composition of dogs and goats:mammalian species with different aerobic capacities and diet. LIPIDS 30(2):147-153. [Abstract]|
- McClelland, G., Zwingelstein, G., Taylor,
C.R., and Weber, J.-M. (1994). Increased capacity for circulatory
fatty acid transport in a highly aerobic mammal. Am. J.
Physiol. 266 (35):R1280 - R1286. [Abstract] |