Sparkuhl Endowment
Dr. Joachim Sparkuhl (1950-2013) was a professional biologist, a scientist, a philosopher, a teacher, and a life-long student (more biographical information is LINKED here). He loved science and spent his life exploring the implications of science and the scientific method on human knowledge and our understanding of reality. He was anxious to share these values with others and has created this endowment to partly fulfill this goal.
His generous endowment funds a visiting speaker and funding for the salary of a summer student, each in alternating years.
Past Visiting Speakers have included, 2016 Professor Paul Sharp 2017 Professor Richard Lenski 2019 Professor Laura Katz
Past summer student awardees have included, 2015 Daniella Lato 2016 Rebecca Voth 2018 Genevieve Dietrich
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