Information Box Group

Undergraduate Studies Undergraduate Studies
Our educators have a solid foundation in both teaching and research, and work to bring current research perspective and research skills into the classrooms and the teaching laboratories…

Graduate Studies Graduate Studies
Our graduate programs teach the research and communication skills required for successful careers as independent scientists. Graduates go on to careers in universities, research institutions, or the biotechnology industry…

Faculty Faculty Members
Our faculty are dedicated to the discovery, communication and application of knowledge through the interdisciplinary study of biological processes…

Research Research Areas
Our research covers the entire spectrum of modern Biology, from Integrative Biology and Wetland Ecology to Functional Genomics and Neurobiology, from Theoretical Population Genetics to Applied Infectious Disease and Cancer Research…

Welcome to Biology!
McMaster is a great university to choose if you want a degree in Biology. Our programs will prepare you for a career in research, in the biotechnology or environmental sector, or in a medical profession. Biology is a research-intensive department. Our strength is our faculty – our educators have a solid foundation in both teaching and research and work to bring current research perspectives and research skills into the classrooms and the teaching laboratories.
Many of our Honours students graduate, having completed a research thesis based on their own work in a faculty member’s research lab. This experience provides them with skills and expertise that are sought after by the private sector and graduate student supervisors. Generally, new students take a year of level 1 Life Science. In the winter of their first year, they select a specific program to enter in level 2.