Dr. Jim Pringle – Lawson Medal for Botany
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Jim Pringle, a botanist at the Royal Botanical Gardens and an Adjunct professor in Biology, has been honored with the prestigious Lawson Medal for his remarkable contributions to botany in Canada.
The Lawson Medal recognizes both outstanding single contributions to botanical knowledge and cumulative, lifetime contributions to the field. Dr. Pringle joined the staff of Royal Botanical Gardens in 1963 as their first full-time scientist. He has
been responsible for establishing the taxonomy of 88 species, subspecies, and sub-families, predominantly in the Gentian Family. His expertise further extends to the history of botanical exploration in Canada, with multiple plant species having been named in his honour, including Kuepferia pringlei and Macrocarpaea pringleana
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December 9, 2024