Administrative updates!
We have a new Associate Chair, Graduate Studies for the up-coming year, as Dr. Ben Evans is off on a year-long sabbatical in beautiful Spain! Many thanks to Dr. Graham Scott, who has willingly stepped in to guide our graduate program for this up-coming year! If you have any questions or concerns relating to anything graduate studies related, Graham or Michelle Enzinas in the main office (our acting Graduate Administrator), will be your go-to people!
June also marked the end of a 5 year term for Dr. Marie Elliot as Chair of the Department. She has agreed to sign on for an additional five years – and while Chairs usually get a one year leave after a 5 year term, she’s opting to defer this until next year – so she will remain your contact person for anything department-related over this up-coming year!
Continuing on in the role of Associate Chair, Research is Dr. Joanna Wilson, with Dr. Jonathon Stone continuing as Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies.
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